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     I know it's been quite a few years since I blogged but I'm going to try to be better about it. I have gone through loss & depression in the last six years but I have also had some triumphs & happiness. 

    I'll give a brief 2015 rundown. I turned 40 in January. In April I went to the BBW beach bash with a friend of mine. I met some amazing people and had a lot of fun. I got out of my comfort zone and did a photoshoot with a photographer while I was there and actually had some great pics taken. I felt the closest to "normal" as I had in ten years at that point. I met a guy that I hit it off really well with and we remain friends now, five years later. I met my ex-bf there as well. It lasted almost a year and ended badly. 


    Most of 2016 was good. I broke up with the loser bf in September of that year then on November 19, 2016 I lost my dad suddenly to a massive heart attack. That was hard and I'll make a longer entry later on that this entry I'll keep short. After I lost my dad I gained a stalker. More about that later as well. 


    In January 2017 my brother moved in with my mom and I because he didn't like the idea of us being alone. Honestly my dad would be so happy about that. It's what he wanted. All of us together and taking care of each other. In June my Goddaughter moved in with us for a few months. There was good and bad in that. She moved out in October I think.


    2018 was a pretty boring year as far as I can remember. I met another loser bf. Went through a depression. Not sure what else off the top of my head.


    I lost my lil Piggy July 7th 2019. He was thirteen. He was the best dog I could have ever asked for and I still miss him terribly. I'll write more about it at a later date. My nurse got me my current dog in October of 2019. He was born August 8th and I got him October 5th. In November I took a trip to Ft. Lauderdale for the weekend with another loser. This time he was not my bf, just a loser I went on a couple of dates with. 

    That brings us to 2020, the year we would all like to forget. Now while this year as a whole has been crap. I did meet my current bf this year and he is amazing. It has been a hard year for everyone but we are making it through it. I'll update more in the future but for now I'll say good bye and always believe in the magic of life.



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